Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Ren Bucholz (Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP) and Lixo Investments Limited

Ottawa, 13 March 2023

Our reference: 1011-NOC2022-0268


Ren Bucholz
Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP
155 Wellington St. W., 35th Floor,
Toronto ON, M5V 3H1

Lixo Investments Limited
Suite 33, 70 Yorkville Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5R 1B9

Subject: Reply to Lixo’s 9 February 2023 communication regarding Commissions letters dated 11 and 19 January 2023, response to Lixo’s Disclosure Request and Commission decision lifting enforcement measures put in place by TD 2022-148

Dear recipients:

This letter addresses a communication sent to the Commission by Lixo Investments Ltd. (Lixo) on 9 February 2023 as part of the proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation 2022-268 (NOC 2022-268).

First, Commission staff acknowledges Lixo’s change in counsel and serving address.

Second, Lixo included a confidential reply, with proposed redactions, to a Commission staff request for information (RFI) that was sent to Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (RCCI) on 25 November 2022, in which Lixo was given the opportunity to comment on RCCI’s responses by 7 December 2022. Lixo filed a confidential version of their comments on 7 December 2022 with the Commission but did not provide an abridged version for the public record as of that date. As per the Procedures for filing confidential information, Lixo must file both the confidential and abridged versions of its comments by the appropriate intervention date identified by the Commission, including the reasons for the designation of information as confidential, which will be placed on the public record of the proceeding. Lixo may do so by taking into account Commission staff’s acknowledgement in its 20 January 2023 letter that RCCI’s confidential designation of its RFI responses was appropriate. It is at Lixo’s discretion to mark certain information as confidential in compliance with the Telecommunications Act and the Procedures, and Commission staff will only assess the designation of information as confidential upon receipt of a request of the disclosure of such information.

Lixo must file their abridged version by no later than 20 March 2023.

Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c: Distribution List:
Pam Dinsmore, VP Regulatory, RCCI,
Peter Kovacs, Director, Regulatory, RCCI,
Zack Ozani, Senior Legal Counsel, RCCI,
Marc Nanni,
Geoff White, Executive Director and General Counsel, Competitive Network Operators of Canada,
Tahira Dawood, Staff Lawyer, Public Interest Advocacy Centre,
Michael Filice, Counsel, Regulatory Affairs, TELUS Communications Inc.,
Phillipe Gauvin, Assistant General Counsel, Bell Canada,
Christopher Hickey, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Distributel Communications Limited,
Simon Lapointe, CRTC,

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