Telecom - Secretary General Letter addressed to Distribution List

Ottawa, 9 March 2023

Our reference: 1011-NOC2022-0147


Distribution List

RE:  Addition to the Record of Telecom Notice of Consultation 2022-147, Telecommunications in the Far North, Phase II

As set out in Telecom Notice of Consultation 2022-147, Telecommunications in the Far North, Phase II (the Phase II Notice), the deadline to submit further comments was 10 February 2023.

The Yukon Utilities Consumers’ Group submitted its further comments, after the deadline, on 15 February 2023 and copied other parties to the proceeding. The Yukon Utilities Consumers’ Group is a party to the proceeding and has requested to appear at the public hearing in April 2023.

The Commission considers that the Yukon Utilities Consumers’ Group provides an important view from the perspective of consumers in the Yukon and contributes to the Commission’s understanding of the issues in this proceeding. The Commission considers that it would benefit the proceeding to accept the further comments from the Yukon Utilities Consumers’ Group. The Commission is of the view that no party should be prejudiced by these changes to the record, given the additional procedural steps in this proceeding.

Accordingly, the Commission adds the further comments of the Yukon Utilities Consumers’ Group to the record of this proceeding. A copy of this letter will be placed on the record of the proceeding initiated by the Phase II Notice.


Original signed by


Claude Doucet
Secretary General


c.c:  Nicolas Gatto, CRTC,
Celia Millay, CRTC,

Distribution List:

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