Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Richard Biron (9315-1884 Québec inc.)

Ottawa, 17 January 2023

Our reference: 8663-Q29-202209824


Richard Biron
Mandataire autorisé
9315-1884 Québec inc.
111, rue du 12-Novembre
Nicolet (Québec) J3T 1S3

Subject: Intention of Sogetel Inc. to enter 9315-1884 Québec inc’s operating territory as a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) in the Lambton, Quebec and Courcelles, Quebec exchanges

Dear Richard Biron:

On 9 December 2022, the Commission received 9315-1884 Québec inc.’s (operating as Téléphone de Lambton Inc.) letter following the expression of interest by Sogetel Inc. to provide competitive services in the Lambton, Quebec (formerly La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc.) and Courcelles, Quebec (formerly La cie de téléphone de Courcelles inc.) exchanges, which are served by 9315-1884 Québec inc.

9315-1884 Québec inc. indicated that in a Commission letter dated 23 October 2012, the Commission had indicated that, if there are no implementation issues associated with the competitive local exchange carrier’s (CLEC’s) proposed competitive entry, the small incumbent local exchange carrier need only file confirmation of this information with the Commission.

9315-1884 Québec inc. confirmed in its letter that it does not foresee any implementation issues associated with Sogetel Inc.’s plan to act as a CLEC in the exchanges indicated. For purposes of scheduling, 9315-1884 Québec inc. proposed a 45-day timeline to implement the local competition.

Staff considers that Sogetel Inc. can begin offering its services in the Lambton, Quebec and Courcelles, Quebec exchanges 45 days from the date of this letter. Staff reminds both companies that a Master Agreement for Local Interconnection (MALI) and an Appendix C must be signed for the Lambton, Quebec and Courcelles, Quebec exchanges. The notification requirements for CLECs can be found in Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-396.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:   Christine Brock, CRTC, 873-353-5852,
Richard Biron, Sogetel Inc.,
Kim Brisson St-Jean, CRTC,

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