Telecom - Staff Letter adressed to the Distribution List

Ottawa, 10 January 2023

Our reference: 1011-NOC2022-0147


Distribution list

RE: Telecommunications in the Far North, Phase II, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2022-147, Publication of report of comments received through the engagement platform (CRTC Conversations)

In order to make it easier to share views related to the Telecommunications in the Far North, Phase II, Notice of Consultation 2022-147 proceeding (the Phase II Notice), the CRTC used a new online engagement platform, CRTC Conversations, to facilitate participation.

At paragraph 102 of the Phase II Notice, the CRTC indicated:

A report of all submissions received via the online engagement platform will be placed on the public record of this proceeding for parties to consider in their further comments. The report will consist of an exact copy of views shared through the online engagement platform.    

This letter is to advise that the report referenced above has been placed on the public record of the proceeding. The report is available here. Consistent with paragraph 110 of the Phase II Notice, parties continue to be encouraged to monitor the record of the proceeding for new information.

As stated in the Phase II Notice, parties to the proceeding are invited to consider the report in their further comments. The deadline for further comments is 10 February 2023.

A copy of this letter will be placed on the public record of this proceeding.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Lisanne Legros
Director, Telecommunications Networks Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:   Nicolas Gatto, CRTC,
Celia Millay, CRTC,
Iva Jurisic, CRTC,
Simon Wozny, CRTC,
Filsan Gure, CRTC,
Rebecca Hume, CRTC,
Karen Soriano Ley, CRTC,

Attach Distribution List

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