Broadcasting - Staff Letter addressed to Bev Kirshenblatt (CBC/Radio-Canada)

Ottawa, 23 October 2023

Reference: 2023-0360-1


Bev Kirshenblatt
Executive Director, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs

Re: Expedited treatment of Part 1 application 2023-0360-1

Bev Kirshenblatt:

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada (CBC/SRC) filed the above noted application related to the broadcasting licence for the French-language FM radio programming undertaking ICI Radio-Canada Première CKSB-10-FM Winnipeg, Manitoba, to modify the parameters of its rebroadcasting transmitter CKSB-5-FM Thompson, Manitoba.

CBC/SRC proposes to replace the existing obsolete antenna to ensure the continuity of quality service from ICI Radio-Canada Première to the population of Thompson and the surrounding area.

CBC/SRC had budgeted and planned to replace this antenna, subject to the Commission’s approval, in October 2023 to ensure that the work would be undertaken before the weather conditions in the remote location degrade and to ensure the continued availability of their radio services to listeners. Approval in October would also permit CBC/SRC to coordinate the installations of an already approved CBC Radio One antenna and the ICI Radio-Canada Première antenna (CKSB-5-FM) at the same time.

Given the above, the timetable for the process of the above-noted application will be modified as follows:

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the proceeding.

Should you need further information concerning your application, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at (873) 355-2504 or by email at

Yours sincerely,

Line Joyal
CRTC Radio Senior Analyst
Broadcasting - Radio

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