Broadcasting - Staff Letter addressed to Monica Auer (Forum for Research and Policy in Communications)

Ottawa, 4 July 2023

Monica Auer, M.A., LL.M.
Executive Director
Forum for Research and Policy in Communications (FRPC)
Ottawa, Ontario


Re: Broadcasting Notice 2023-138 – Procedural request to allow parties to submit new information or evidence in their replies

In a Commission staff letter dated 15 June 2023, staff confirmed that, during the consultation phase of Broadcasting Notices of Consultation 2023-139 and 2023-140 (BNCs 2023-139 and 2023-140), parties that submitted comments in the comment period may submit new information or evidence in response to matters raised during the comment period when they file a reply.

On 27 June 2023, FPRC filed a procedural request in relation with Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2023-138 (BNC 2023-138). FRPC requested that the Commission confirm that the statement set out in the staff letter dated 15 June 2023, in relation to BNCs 2023-139 and 2023-140, similarly applies to BNC 2023-138.

In relation to BNC 2023-138, Commission staff confirms that parties that submitted comments in the comment period may submit new information or evidence in response to matters raised during the comment period when they file a reply, by 26 July 2023. Such an approach is consistent with the Rules of Practice and Procedure as well as the procedure established in BNC 2023-138.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the BNC 2023-138 proceeding.


Amy Hanley for Scott Shortliffe
Executive Director, Broadcasting, CRTC

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