Broadcasting - Staff Letter addressed to Gabriella Rabaa (CNIB Foundation)

Ottawa, 15 June 2023

Our Reference(s): 1011-NOC2023-01391011-NOC2023-0140


Gabriella Rabaa
Public Affairs Coordinator
CNIB Foundation

Re: Broadcasting Notices 2023-139 and -140 – Procedural request to extend deadline for interventions

On 8 June 2023, the Commission received a procedural request, filed by the Canadian National institute for the Blind (CNIB), asking the Commission to extend the deadline to submit interventions for the following two proceedings: Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2023-139 (BNC 2023-139) and Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2023-140 (BNC 2023-140).

The original deadline for the submission of interventions for the above-mentioned proceedings was 12 June 2023. CNIB is proposing that the Commission extend the deadline to 27 June 2023.

On 9 June 2023, the Commission responded to another procedural request sent jointly by twelve groups to extend the deadlines for BNC 2023-139 (Secretary General letter ) and BNC 2023-140 (Secretary General letter ). This request was supported by several parties. In its responses, the Commission acknowledged comments received on the request and was of the view that the deadlines set out for these two processes provided the parties with sufficient time to make initial submissions and did not grant an extension.

As such, considering the Commission decisions noted above, the filing deadlines currently established in BNC 2023-139 and BNC 2023-140 remain unchanged. A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public records of the BNC 2023-139 and BNC 2023-140 proceedings.


Amy Hanley for Scott Shortliffe
Executive Director, Broadcasting, CRTC

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