Broadcasting - Staff Letter addressed to Bev Kirshenblatt (CBC/Radio-Canada)

Ottawa, 19 May 2023

Reference(s): 2023-0187-8


Bev Kirshenblatt
Executive Director, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs

Subject: Part 1 Application to amend the conditions of licence relating to consultations with Indigenous Peoples (2023-0187-8)

New date for submitting interventions: 29 May 2023
New date for submitting replies: 13 June 2023

Ms. Kirshenblatt,

On 5 May 2023, a request was sent to CBC/Radio-Canada to serve Part 1 Application 2023-0187-8 on groups representing the interests of Indigenous Peoples, including groups that expressed feeling “over-consulted” during engagement sessions conducted by CBC/Radio-Canada from April to November 2022. On 10 May 2023, CBC/Radio-Canada indicated that it did not serve the groups noted above. However, it noted that the two consultant firms CBC/Radio-Canada had retained to facilitate the engagement sessions - the Indigenous Leadership Development Institute Inc. and Acosys Consulting Services/SEIZE03 - had provided copies of the application directly to unnamed participants. The 5 May 2023 request and CBC/Radio-Canada’s response will be considered by the Commission as a part of the record it takes into account when it renders its decision.

In order to provide any of the unnamed groups sufficient time to comment on the application, the deadline for submission of interventions on Application 2023-0187-8 is extended to 29 May 2023.

Additionally, on 15 May 2023, CBC/Radio-Canada sent a request to obtain an extension to file its replies to intervening parties for the above-noted Part 1 ApplicationFootnote1. CBC/Radio-Canada argued that the sought extension would allow it to translate its replies and therefore enable all parties to the proceeding to receive the documents in both official languages at the same time. While the 15 May 2023 request sought an extension from 29 May 2023 to 2 June 2023, such dates were based on the original deadlines of the Part 1 Application. Given the above-noted new deadline for submission of interventions on Application 2023-0187-8 (29 May 2023), CBC/Radio-Canada will have until 13 June 2023 to file its replies to the Commission and to intervening parties.

Best regards,

Original signed by
Michael Craig
A/Director, Television

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