Telecom Order CRTC 2023-311

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Reference: 2022-83

Ottawa, 8 September 2023

Public record: 1011-NOC2019-0372

Broadband Fund – Change request – ATG Arrow Technology Group Limited Partnership’s access projects in Alberta (Peerless Trout First Nation and Little Red River Cree Nation)

  1. In Telecom Decision 2022-83, the Commission approved ATG Arrow Technology Group Limited Partnership’s (Arrow) funding applications to build and/or upgrade local fixed access infrastructure in five communities in Alberta. The Commission later received written acceptance of this funding award from Arrow and approved Arrow’s related statement of work in Telecom Order 2022-316, subject to the conditions of funding set out in Telecom Decision 2022-81.
  2. Among the conditions of funding is the requirement, set out at paragraph 28 of Telecom Decision 2022-81, that any changes that materially affect the project to be delivered be approved by the Commission. In the Application Guide appended to Telecom Notice of Consultation 2019-372, which initiated the second call for applications and led to Telecom Decision 2022-83 and other decisions introduced in Telecom Decision 2022-81, the Commission defined a change in the proposed financing of a project, or a major change in the cost of a project, as a material change.
  3. On 31 May 2023, Arrow submitted a change request for its projects approved in Telecom Decisions 2022-84, 2022-85, and 2022-86.
  4. Specifically, Arrow requested additional funding due to inflation and a general increase in costs from 2020, when the original estimates were submitted in the application. Arrow requested the following funding increases:
    • For the project serving the communities of Peerless Lake and Trout Lake (Telecom Decision 2022-84), it requested an increase of $1,424,930 (35.4%), bringing the funding amount from $4,023,405 to $5,448,335.
    • For the project serving the community of Garden Creek (Telecom Decision 2022-85), it requested an increase of $340,026 (34.1%), bringing the funding amount from $997,072 to $1,337,098.
    • For the project serving the community of John D’Or Prairie (Telecom Decision 2022-86), it requested an increase of $1,539,803 (35.7%), bringing the funding amount from $4,309,297 to $5,849,100.
  5. The Commission has reviewed the materials submitted and considers that approving the change request would satisfy the objectives of Telecom Regulatory Policy 2018-377.
  6. The Commission therefore approves Arrow’s change request. All funding conditions and conditions imposed under section 24 of the Telecommunications Act, as set out in Telecom Decision 2022-83, continue to apply.

Secretary General

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