Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2023-31-1

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Reference: 2023-31

Ottawa, 22 March 2023

Public record: 1011-NOC2020-0366

Regulatory measures to make access to poles owned or controlled by Canadian carriers more efficient – Clarification

  1. The Commission is making a change to paragraph 320 of Regulatory measures to make access to poles owned or controlled by Canadian carriers more efficient, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2023-31, 15 February 2023. The purpose of the change is to clarify the definition of overlashing in paragraph 320. For ease of reference, paragraph 320 is reproduced in its entirety below, with the change highlighted in bold and italics:
    1. Overlashing is the process of physically tying additional cables around the cables that are already attached to a pole. In some cases, this allows for the expansion of capacity of existing facilities while reducing construction disruption and associated expense. This decision refers to overlashing in the context of replacing existing facilities and cables in ways that do not consume more of the support structure’s capacity. Overlashing associated with an increase in the number of attachments on the support structure is not included in the analysis and determinations set out in this subsection.

Secretary General

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