Telecom Order CRTC 2023-239

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Reference: 2021-259

Ottawa, 3 August 2023

Public record: 1011-NOC2019-0372

Broadband Fund – Final Implementation Report for Bell Canada’s access project in Newfoundland and Labrador (Sally’s Cove)


  1. In Telecom Decision 2021-259, the Commission approved Bell Canada’s funding application to introduce terrestrial broadband Internet access services to eligible areas in Sally’s Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Commission later received written acceptance of this funding award from Bell Canada and, in Telecom Order 2022-93, approved Bell Canada’s related statement of work, subject to the conditions of funding set out in Telecom Decision 2021-251.
  2. Among the conditions of funding is the requirement, set out at subparagraph 35(j) of Telecom Decision 2021-251, that a Final Implementation Report must be filed for Commission approval within 90 days of completion of the final milestone in the statement of work.
  3. On 21 March 2023, Bell Canada submitted its Final Implementation Report to the Commission, confirming that it had completed the project.

Commission’s analysis

  1. Having reviewed the documents submitted, the Commission considers that Bell Canada has demonstrated that the project is complete and that broadband services are being offered using the funded infrastructure. The Commission therefore approves the Final Implementation Report.
  2. Pursuant to subparagraph 35(k) of Telecom Decision 2021-251, Bell Canada must file a project holdback report on 21 March 2024.Holdback funds will be released only once Bell Canada has demonstrated to the Commission’s satisfaction that the company has been operating the network for one year in accordance with the conditions of service established in paragraphs 36 to 39 of Telecom Decision 2021-251 and described in the approved statement of work. Failure to comply with these conditions and requirements could result in holdback funds being delayed or not being disbursed.
  3. The Commission notes that Bell Canada does not appear to have published the required information about service packages on its website as required by the condition of service imposed at subparagraph 38(c) of Telecom Decision 2021-251. The Commission reminds Bell Canada that in addition to the impact on the release of project holdback funds, section 24 conditions are enforceable through other mechanisms under the Telecommunications Act.

Secretary General

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