Telecom Order CRTC 2023-128

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Reference: 2021-258

Ottawa, 4 May 2023

Public record: 1011-NOC2019-0372

Broadband Fund – Change request – Bell Canada’s access project in Newfoundland and Labrador (Port Blandford)

  1. On 19 January 2023, Bell Canada submitted a change request for its project approved in Telecom Decision 2021-258.
  2. Specifically, Bell Canada requested additional time to complete certain project milestones, due to procurement delays related to transport equipment that is required to interconnect with the funded access project.
  3. The Commission has reviewed the materials submitted and considers that approving the change request would satisfy the objectives of Telecom Regulatory Policy 2018-377.
  4. The Commission therefore approves Bell Canada’s change request. All funding conditions and section 24 conditions as set out in Telecom Decision 2021-251 continue to apply, including the Commission’s expectation that the project will be completed within three years of the date of that decision.

Secretary General

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