Telecom - Procedural Letter addressed to the Distribution List

Ottawa, 2 August 2022

Multiple references


Distribution List

RE: Introduction of Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) Service – Request for extension to deadlines

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (the Commission) is in receipt of letters requesting extensions of the deadline for the filing of responses to the requests for information (RFI) contained in the Commission staff letter issued on 18 July 2022 from the current 5 August 2022 filing date, as follows:

The ITPA stated its extension request is due to the complexity of the questions in the RFI and the need to consult with its members and outside expert resources, as well as limited availability of staff during the summer. The ITPA submitted that its extension request would not unduly impact the other parties to the RFI, whom it stated, would likely be in the same position as the ITPA members.

TELUS submitted that it would also benefit from an extension to the filing date, given the summer vacations of its key resources. However, TELUS stated that a one-week extension to 12 August 2022 would suffice. TELUS requested that the same extension apply to all parties subject to the RFI, so that no party would be prejudiced.

Bell Canada submitted that it fully supports an extension of the filing date, seeking an extension to 6 September 2022. Bell Canada’s rationale for seeking an extension include absences during the summer of critical resources who worked on its cost study, as well as the length of time it requires for updating and validating its cost study.

In order to ensure a complete and robust record upon which the Commission can base its deliberations, Commission staff is of the view that an extension of the date to file responses to the RFI of 18 July 2022 would be appropriate. Staff further considers that it would be appropriate to establish additional process associated with these RFIs.  Finally, Commission staff considers that it would be administratively convenient for both the Commission and interested persons for the process associated with the various NG9-1-1 tariff filings to be aligned with each other.  As such, the process associated with the applications identified in Attachment 1 is amended as follows:

All documents filed and served must be received, not merely sent, by the date provided.  Parties are to send an electronic copy of all documents to Commission staff copied on this letter.

The Commission requires the response or other documents to be submitted electronically by using the secured service “My CRTC Account” (Partner Log In or GCKey) and filling the “Telecom Cover Page” located on the Commission’s website.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be added to the public record of the related proceedings.

As set out in section 39 of the Telecommunications ActFootnote1 and in Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961Footnote2 , Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings, persons may designate certain information as confidential. A person designating information as confidential must provide a detailed explanation on why the designated information is confidential and why its disclosure would not be in the public interest, including why the specific direct harm that would be likely to result from the disclosure would outweigh the public interest in disclosure. Furthermore, a person designating information as confidential must either file an abridged version of the document omitting only the information designated as confidential or provide reasons why an abridged version cannot be filed.


Original signed by

Chris Noonan
Director, Competitor Services & Costing Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:  Stais Armstrong, CRTC, 819-775-0401,;
Daniel Cardozo, CRTC, 819-962-5720,;
B. Natraj (Nat Natraj), CRTC, 819-953-5081,

Attach. (1) Distribution List


Distribution List

Applicants - ITPA member SILECs
Company Tariff Notice Number Our Reference Number Company Contact
Independent Telecommunications Providers Association S. O. S. O.
9315-1884 Québec inc. 14, 14/A 8740-Q29-202107466
Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. 22, 22/A, 22/B 8740-B6-202107325
Bruce Telecom Ontario Inc. 161, 161/A 8740-B7-202107341
Cochrane Telecom Services 79, 79/A 8740-C1-202107226
CoopTel, coop de télécommunication 88, 88/A,88/B 8740-C41-202107599
Execulink Telecom Inc. 79, 79/A 8740-E25-202107333
Hay Communications 33, 33/A 8740-H3-202107440
HuronTel 40, 40/A 8740-H4-202107432
Gosfield North Communication Co-operative Limited 22, 22/A 8740-G2-202107680
Lansdowne Rural Telephone Company 18, 18/A 8740-L3-202107482
Mornington 70, 70/A 8740-M5-202107416
Nexicom Telecommunications, a Division of Nexicom Inc. 52, 52/A 8740-N24-202107367
Nexicom Telephones, a Division of Nexicom Inc 44, 44/A 8740-N23-202107359
North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Ltd. 35, 35/A 8740-N7-202107549
North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited Trade 44, 44/A 8740-N10-202107375
Quadro Communication Co-operative Inc. 37, 37A 8740-Q2-202107581
Sogetel inc. 189, 189/A 8740-S4-202107458
The Westport Telephone Company, Limited 46, 46/A 8740-W3-202107383
Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited 34, 34/A 8740-T7-202107557
Wightman Telecom Ltd. 33, 33/A 8740-W4-202107474
Applicants - All Other Telecommunications Providers

Tariff Notice Number

Our Reference Number

Company Contact

TBayTel 174, 174/A 8740-T8-202107531
TELUS Communications Inc. 565 8740-T66-202107490
Bell Canada 968, 968A 8740-B20-202107094
Saskatchewan Telecommunications 373, 373A
Organization Organization Representative(s) Organization Contact
Québecor Média inc. Patrick Désy
Rogers Communications Canada Inc. Howard Slawner
Shaw Communications Inc. Dean Shaikh
Ontario Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care Heather Berios;
Stuart Mooney
Ontario Provincial Police K.A. Karen Meyer

Winnipeg Police Service

Tara Weiss

Government of New Brunswick

Jilanna Eagles

Coalition pour le service 9-1-1 au Québec

Serge Allen

Ville de Montréal

Martin Pagé

Le Comité 9-1-1 du Syndicat canadien de la fonction publique au Québec (SCFP-Québec)

Jocelyn Bourdon

Regional District of Fraser-Fort George

Michael Higgins

Calgary 9-1-1

Magni Magnason

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