Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2022-267-1

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Reference: 2022-267, 2022-267-2 and 2022-267-3

Ottawa, 27 October 2022

Public record: 1011-NOC2022-0267

Call for comments on an application by Bell Canada, Cogeco Communications Inc., Bragg Communications Incorporated, carrying on business as Eastlink, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications regarding the increase of the maximum retail price of the basic service – Extension to the deadlines for the receipt of interventions and the filing of replies

New deadline for the receipt of interventions: 28 November 2022

New deadline for the filing of replies: 12 December 2022

[Submit an intervention/comment/answer or view related documents]

  1. Further to Call for comments on an application by Bell Canada, Cogeco Communications Inc., Bragg Communications Incorporated, carrying on business as Eastlink, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications regarding the increase of the maximum retail price of the basic service, Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2022-267, 28 September 2022, the Commission received a procedural request from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) in regard to that application (2022-0019-5).
  2. PIAC requested that the deadline to submit interventions be extended from 28 October 2022 to 31 January 2023 and that the deadline to submit replies be extended from 14 November 2022 to 21 February 2023. PIAC expressed concerns that the current timeframes are unfair to the public and other parties since those timeframes do not provide sufficient time to perform a comprehensive study of the documents.
  3. After examining the request, the Commission finds that PIAC did not provide sufficient justification. In particular, PIAC did not provide any timelines or details as to the work it wishes to complete (e.g., the type of additional research, analysis or outreach required to perform a comprehensive study of documents) that would justify a three-month extension for the submission of interventions.
  4. The Commission is of the view that extending the intervention period by three months as requested by PIAC would introduce an unjustified delay to this proceeding. However, the Commission recognizes the importance of the consumer’s perspective in this particular matter. Therefore, the Commission considers that extending the deadlines for the receipt of interventions and the filing of replies by one month in this proceeding would be in the public interest.
  5. In light of the above, the Commission extends the deadline for the receipt of interventions to 28 November 2022 and the deadline to file replies to 12 December 2022.

Secretary General

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