Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2022-244

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Reference: Part 1 application posted on 12 July 2022

Ottawa, 7 September 2022

United Christian Broadcasters Media Canada
Regina, Saskatchewan

Public record: 2022-0351-1

FM radio station in Regina – Technical changes

  1. The Commission has the authority, pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Broadcasting Act (the Act), to issue licences for such terms not exceeding seven years and subject to such conditions related to the circumstances of the licensee as the Commission deems appropriate for the implementation of the broadcasting policy set out in subsection 3(1) of the Act, as well as to amend those conditions on application of the licensee.
  2. Consistent with this authority, the Commission approves the application by United Christian Broadcasters Media Canada to change the authorized contours of the transmitter for the unlaunched English-language specialty (religious music) commercial radio programming undertaking in Regina, Saskatchewan, by changing the frequency from 107.9 MHz to 95.9 MHz, changing the channel from 300 to 240, changing the class from C to B, decreasing the effective radiated power from 100,000 to 24,000 watts (non-directional antenna), decreasing the effective height of the antenna above average terrain (EHAAT) from 149.1 to 140.5 metres and amending the existing coordinates of the transmitter site.
  3. The Commission did not receive any interventions in regard to this application.
  4. When requesting technical changes, licensees are generally required to demonstrate a technical or economic need. In regard to this application, the licensee stated that the proposed amendment is necessary because the approved transmitter site is no longer available. The licensee has identified another site and is seeking permission to use it.
  5. The Commission is satisfied that the licensee has demonstrated a technical need for the requested technical changes.
  6. Pursuant to subsection 22(1) of the Act, this authority will be effective only when the Department of Industry notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.
  7. Typically, the licensee would be required to implement the technical changes by no later than 7 September 2024. However, the licensee’s authority to launch this station expires before this date. Therefore, the technical changes must be implemented by no later than 8 March 2023.
  8. As set out in section 16 of the Radio Regulations, 1986 (the Regulations), licensees have obligations relating to the broadcast of emergency alert messages received from the National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination System. In regard to the changes to the radio station’s authorized contours resulting from the implementation of the technical changes approved in this decision, the Commission reminds the applicant that compliance with section 16 of the Regulations may require that any alert broadcast decoders (e.g., ENDEC) used for the purposes of broadcasting emergency alert messages on this radio station, or on any rebroadcasting transmitters that may appear on the broadcasting licence for that station, be reprogrammed to properly account for the new authorized contours.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to the licence.

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