Telecom - Commission Letter addressed to Richard Biron (9315-1884 Québec inc.)

Ottawa, 22 December 2021

Our reference: 8663-C41-202107300


Richard Biron
Mandataire autorisé
9315-1884 Québec inc.
111, rue du 12-Novembre
Nicolet (Québec) J3T 1S3

RE:  Intention of Coop Tel to enter Sogetel Inc.’s (Sogetel) (Téléphone Milot Inc.) operating territory as a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) in the Quebec exchanges of Charette, Saint-Alexis-des Monts, Saint-Barnabé and Saint-Paulin

Dear Richard Biron:

On 29 September 2021, the Commission received Sogetel’s letter following the expression of interest by Coop Tel, to provide competitive services in the Quebec exchanges of Charette, Saint-Alexis-des Monts, Saint-Barnabé and Saint-Paulin, which are served by Sogetel.

In its letter, Sogetel indicated that, in relation to the Charette, Saint-Alexis-des Monts, Saint-Barnabé and Saint-Paulin, Quebec exchange, CoopTel does not require services other than those competitor services already offered by Sogetel following TELUS Communications Inc.'s (TELUS’) entry into competition in 2015. Footnote1  Sogetel had requested a 45-day period to implement local competition for Coop Tel.

Staff considers that Coop Tel can begin offering its services in the Charette, Saint-Alexis-des Monts, Saint-Barnabé and Saint-Paulin, Quebec exchange upon notification by Sogetel that implementation is complete. Staff reminds both companies that a Master Agreement for Local Interconnection (MALI) and an Appendix C must be signed  

for the Charette, Saint-Alexis-des Monts, Saint-Barnabé et Saint-Paulin, Quebec exchanges. The notification requirements for CLECs can be found in Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-396.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:   Christine Brock, CRTC, 873-353-5852,
Pierre Allard, Coop Tel,
Kim Brisson St-Jean, CRTC,

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