Broadcasting - Commission Letter addressed to Ted Woodhead (Rogers Communications Inc.)

Ottawa, 10 November 2021

Our reference: 1011-NOC2021-0281


Ted Woodhead
Senior Vice President
Rogers Communications Inc.

RE: Application 2021-0228-4 – Application by Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers), on behalf of Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw), for Rogers to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Shaw

Ted Woodhead,

This letter is to provide clarification regarding the upcoming 22 November 2021 public hearing.

As indicated in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2021-281, the Commission may wish to consider the value of the transaction, the valuation methodology applied to the value of the transaction and how the value has been allocated between the various broadcasting undertakings. In its proposed value of the transaction, Rogers has excluded the value of Shaw’s terrestrial video on demand and terrestrial pay-per-view services indicating that it is not proposing to operate nor seeking the Commission’s approval to acquire these services as part of this application. Certain interveners have questioned the exclusion of the revenues associated with these services from the value of the transaction.

The Commission hereby notifies Rogers that it intends to question its proposed calculation of the value of the transaction at the hearing and may ask, should the Commission so decide upon reviewing the record of the proceeding and hearing from participants in the process, Rogers to submit a revised calculation for the value of the transaction and its associated tangible benefits package following this questioning.

No information from Rogers is required at this time.



Claude Doucet
Secretary General

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