Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2021-287

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Ottawa, 13 August 2021

Various licensees
Across Canada

Various community television stations, channels and services – Administrative renewals

  1. The Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the community television programming undertakings set out below from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022, subject to the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licences.
  2. This decision does not dispose of any issues that may arise with respect to the renewal of these licences.

Community television stations

Licensee Call sign and locality
Ash-Creek Television Society CH4472 Ashcroft, British Columbia
CH4473 Cache Creek, British Columbia
Southshore Broadcasting Inc. CFTV-DT Leamington, Ontario
The Valemount Entertainment Society CHVC-TV Valemount, British Columbia, and its transmitter CHVC-TV-1 Valemount
Hay River Community Service Society CIHC-TV Northwest Territories

Community channel and service

Licensee Locations
Télévision communautaire des Basques et du Haut-Pays Independent, French-language digital community channel serving the Regional County Municipalities of Les Basques, Témiscouata and Rivière-du-Loup, and their surrounding areas, Quebec.Footnote 1
Télévision communautaire Frontenac Independent community programming service primarily in the French language serving Montréal and its surrounding areas, Quebec

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to each licence.

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