Telecom Commission Letter addressed to the Distribution List

Ottawa, 3 November 2020 

Our reference: 8638-B2-202006345


Distribution List

RE: Part 1 application by Bell Canada for permanent Commission approval to allow Bell Companies to continue to block certain fraudulent and scam voice calls.

Further to our letter to you dated 22 October 2020 setting out deadlines for comments on Bell Canada's procedural proposal, Mr Marc Nanni objected on the basis that a French version was not made available to parties.  Commission staff has verified that neither the English nor the French version of this letter was published on the CRTC website.  This is to advise you that both versions of the process letter are now available on the Commission's website (and attached to this letter), with new deadlines for the filing of documents. 

Original signed by

Alain Garneau
Director, Telecommunications Enforcement
Compliance and Enforcement Sector

Allstream Business Inc.
The Canadian Network Operators Consortium,
Internet Society Canada Chapter (ISCC)
Mr. Marc Nanni,
Me. Mark Phillips,
Dr. Reza Rajabliun
Dr. Fenwick McKelvey
Iristel Inc.
Quebecor Media inc,
Telus Communications inc.

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