Telecom - Commission letter addressed to Philippe Gauvin (Bell Canada) and Howard Slawner (Rogers)

Ottawa, 8 September 2020

Our reference: 8662-R28-202002971


Mr. Philippe Gauvin
Assistant General Counsel
Bell Canada

Mr. Howard Slawner
Vice President – Telecommunications
Rogers Communications Canada Inc.

RE: Request for Information regarding the implementation of toll free trunks as directed in Telecom Decision 2019-390

Dear Sirs:

On 2 December 2019, in Telecom Decision CRTC 2019-390Footnote1 (the Decision), the Commission directed Bell Canada (Bell) to deploy one-way toll-free trunks between its network and that of Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (Rogers) within Bell’s Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) operating territory to carry toll-free traffic originated on Rogers’ network and destined for Bell’s toll-free telephone number customers. The Commission determined that trunks were to be installed within 150 days of the date of the Decision and that Bell was to file revised tariff pages at least 30 days prior to completing the trunk deployment.

On 3 April 2020, the Commission extended the deadline for the deployment of toll-free trunks and the filing of the revised tariff pages by 90 days from the dates outlined in the Decision. The revised tariff pages were to be filed by 20 July 2020 and the deployment of the trunks completed by 17 August 2020.

Commission staff notes that the revised tariff pages have been filed and were approved on an interim basis under Tariff Notices 7616/7616A. Staff is now seeking confirmation from both Bell and Rogers that the deployment of the toll-free trunks has been completed as directed, or, if it has not been completed, parties are asked to provide details as to the reasons for this delay. The parties’ responses must be filed with the Commission by 9 September 2020.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c: Simon Lapointe, CRTC,

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