Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Telus Communications Inc.

Ottawa, 9 July 2020

Our reference:  8740-T66-202003862


Carol Ho
Senior Regulatory Advisor
Telecom Policy & Regulatory Affairs
Telus Communications Inc.
510 West Georgia St, Floor 7
Vancouver, BC Canada 
V6B 0M3

RE:  Telus Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 552 – Competitive Local Exchange Carrier General Tariff

Dear Ms. Ho:

On 26 June 2020 the Commission received an application from Telus Communications Inc., under Tariff Notice 552, proposing to revise the company’s CLEC General Tariff (CRTC 21464) in order to reflect the offering of local exchange services in Québec.   

Commission staff is continuing its analysis of these applications.

Consequently, these applications, along with any associated subsequent revisions, will not be approved on an interim basis on the 15th calendar day following receipt. However, the Commission intends to dispose of this application, along with any associated subsequent revisions, within 45 business days of receipt of the filing.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c: Joanne Baldassi, CRTC, 819-997-3498,

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