Telecom - Commission letter addressed to Pierre Allard (CoopTel)

Ottawa, 12 March 2020

Our reference: 8740-C41-201910456


Mr. Pierre Allard
Director – Project Management and Regulation
5521, chemin de l’Aéroport
Valcourot, QUE  J0E 2L0

RE: Tariff Notice 86,86A – Call Filtering service

Dear Mr. Allard:

On 10 October 2019, the Commission received an application from CoopTel, under Tariff Notice (TN) 86, as amended by TN 86A dated 18 November 2019, requesting approval to revise its General Tariff CRTC 25160 - Item 2.11, Services Divers de Circonscription, in order to introduce Call Filtering service.

Paragraph 28(1) (a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may require parties to file information or documents where needed.

CoopTel is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached questions by (10 business days) 26 March 2020.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c: Joanne Baldassi, CRTC, 819-997-3498, joanne.baldassi@crtc.gc.caJ
Jeffrey Lapalme, CRTC, 873-354-6344,

Attach. (1)

Requests for Information

The following requests for information are intended to clarify the scope of any call blocking functionality provided by Cooptel’s proposed call filtering services, as well as the manner in which calls may be intercepted.

In the company’s 13 January 2020 response to request for information 1, Cooptel stated that it can automatically block calls based on multiple criteria.  Cooptel also stated that its platform can receive national blacklists in order to block corresponding numbers.  At the same time, Cooptel states that its solution does not de facto block calls, but intercepts them.   

  1. With respect to Cooptel’s statement that calls would be “automatically” blocked based on multiple criteria,
    1. Does Cooptel mean that calls would be blocked at the network level (i.e. it will block calls for all customers regardless of customer uptake of the call filtering service), or will calls only be blocked for customers opting to subscribe to the call filtering service?
    2. If calls will be blocked at the network level, will calls be blocked beyond the universal call blocking requirements set out in Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2018-484Footnote1?  Describe in detail the specific types of calls that would be blocked at the network level.
  2. Would CoopTel’s call filtering service automatically block calls on blacklist data that the company receives?  If yes,
    1. Would the customer have the option to select whether to have their calls automatically blocked based on Cooptel’s blacklist data? 
    2. Explain what happens to calls that are blocked based on blacklist data?  Will customers be able to access those calls, and if so, how? 
    3. Would any other calls be blocked in a manner that prevents the end-customer from accessing the calls?  If so, would the end-customer have the ability to input whether they wish to have any such calls blocked? 
  3. With respect to calls intercepted by Cooptel’s proposed service,
    1. Explain in detail what happens to the calls intercepted by Cooptel’s proposed service, including where the call goes, the method and criteria used to determine what to do with the call, and the options for customers to access the call.
    2. If a call is allowed to continue to the customer for action, explain what happens to the call if it is not answered For example, does the call go to the customers’ voicemail inbox? If so, is this inbox separate from the inbox used by calls which pass the exemption code check but are not answered?
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