Telecom Procedural Letter addressed to the Distribution List

Ottawa, 17 February 2020

File No. 8662-B2-201912626


Distribution list

RE: Bell Canada’s Part 1 Application for Exemption from Certain Reporting Requirement Pursuant to CRTC TRP 2018-466, Review of the Regulatory Framework for Text-Based Message Relay Services – Procedural Request: Deadline extension

Dear Madam/Sir: 

On 8 January 2020, Bell Canada filed a part 1 application, Part 1 Application For Exemption From Certain Reporting Requirement Pursuant To Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2018-466, Review Of The Regulatory Framework For Text-Based Message Relay Services.

The deadline to submit interventions in response to this application was 7 February 2020.

On 7 February 2020, the Deaf Wireless Canada Consultative Committee-Comité pour les Services Sans fil des Sourds du Canada (DWCC-CSSSC), Canadian Association of the Deaf-Association des Sourds du Canada (CAD-ASC), Canadian National Society of the Deaf-Blind (CNSDB), and Deafness Advocacy Association Nova Scotia (DAANS) (collectively DWCC et al.) submitted a procedural request seeking to extend the deadline to submit interventions until 20 February 2020.

DWCC et al. noted that the reason for this request is because three of its members were not copied in the original Part 1 Application submitted by Bell Canada, despite participating in the proceeding that lead to CRTC TRP 2018-466.

Bell Canada responded that it did not oppose the extension request made by DWCC et al.

Accordingly, the procedural request made by DWCC et al. is approved, and the deadline to file interventions has been extended to 20 February 2020. The deadline for Bell to file a reply has been extended to 2 March 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Nanao Kachi
Social and Consumer Policy
Consumer, Research and Communications

c.c.: Albert Xie, CRTC,


Lisa Anderson, DWCC-CSSSC,
Jim Roots, CAD-ASC,
Megan McHugh, CNSDB,
Elliott Richman, DAANS,
Philippe Gauvin, Bell Canada,

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