Telecom - Commission letter addressed to Howard Slawner (Rogers Communications Canada Inc. )

Ottawa, 11 February 2020

Our reference: 8622-R28-201902940


Mr. Howard Slawner
Vice President – Telecommunications
Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
50 Bloor St. East, 6th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M4W 0A1

RE: Bell Canada’s Review & Vary Application of Telecom Decision CRTC 2019-390 - Request for Information

Dear Mr. Slawner:

In Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (Rogers) 31 January 2020 comments filed with the Commission on the above noted Bell Canada Application, Rogers noted that traffic related to Bell Canada’s toll-free telephone number customers is sent over bill and keep trunks between Rogers and Bell Canada.

In regards to this toll traffic and the bill and keep trunks, the following information is requested.

  1. For those bill and keep trunks between Rogers and Bell Canada in Bell Canada’s operating territory for the period from September 2019 to December 2019 (inclusive):
  1. Provide the imbalance payments by month paid to Bell Canada.
  2. Of the imbalance payment amounts made to Bell Canada (in Part a) what is the percentage by month that is attributable to toll traffic destined to Bell Canada’s toll-free telephone number customers?

This information is to be filed with the Commission by [4 days from the date of the letter].


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Philippe Gauvin,

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