Broadcasting Commission Letter addressed to Peggy Tabet (Québecor Média)

Ottawa, 6 May 2020


Peggy Tabet
Regulatory affairs, Broadcasting
Québecor Média

Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2019-379 – Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio-Canada (CBC/SRC) License Renewal –  Information sent by Québecor Média

Ms. Tabet,

The Commission is in receipt of the correspondence you sent 14 April 2020 in which you state that SRC “continues” to unfairly compete with private broadcasters during the crisis caused by COVID-19 and that this information be considered urgently by the Commission. Québecor Média also requested that its letter be added to the public record of the CBC/SRC licence renewal process.

Québecor Média submitted an intervention for this process as a part of the public consultation period, which took place from 25 November 2019 to 20 February 2020. Several arguments included in your letter were raised as a part of your intervention and, as such, are already on the public record.

Furthermore, Québecor Média has indicated that it wishes to appear at the public hearing where it will be possible to discuss the issues you have already raised. The Commission may also ask Québecor Media and the CBC/SRC questions regarding these matters if the Commission considers that it is necessary and relevant to do so for the public record.

For these reasons, your letter will not be added to the public record. However, since Québecor Média has suggested that these matters should be considered urgently, it can, submit a complaint pursuant to Part 1 of the Rules of Practice and Procedure. If Québecor Média chooses to file a complaint, it should clearly indicate the regulations and/or condition(s) of licence in which CBC/SRC is in breach and support its arguments with evidence from reliable and verifiable sources.


Scott Shortliffe
Executive Director, Broadcasting

CC: Bev Kirshenblatt
Executive Director, Corporate and Regulatory Affairs

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