Broadcasting Procedural Letter addressed to Nicolas Leclerc (Leclerc Communication inc.) and Solange Drouin (Association québécoise de l’industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ))

Ottawa, 20 February 2020

Mr. Nicolas Leclerc
Vice President
Leclerc Communication inc.
815, Lebourgneuf Blvd, Suite 505
Quebec, Quebec
G2J 0C1

Ms. Solange Drouin
Vice President, Public Affairs and Executive Director
Association québécoise de l’industrie du disque, du spectacle et de la vidéo (ADISQ)
6420, Saint-Denis Street
Montreal, Quebec
H2S 2R7

Mr. Leclerc, Ms. Drouin:

Re: Filing of additional information – Non-appearing application 2019-0952-4
Reference : Broadcasting notice of consultation CRTC 2019-358-1, item 4

The Commission received a letter dated 10 February 2020 from Leclerc Communications inc. (Leclerc) and ADISQ regarding the conclusion of an agreement between both parties with respect to the creation of a report on the broadcast of music by emerging francophone artists on CJPX-FM Montreal.

Leclerc filed the above-mentioned application for authority to acquire from Média ClassiQ inc. the assets of the French-language specialty commercial radio station CJPX-FM Montréal, and to amend the station’s conditions of licence by changing its format from a specialty (classic music) format to a commercial format (Adult Album Alternative - Triple A and Adult contemporary).

In a letter dated 19 December 2019, Leclerc filed with the Commission its observations (reply) in response to the interventions filed with respect to its application as part of the above-mentioned proceeding.  Paragraphs 61 et 62 of Leclerc’s reply read as follows (translation):

61. Regarding emerging artists, Leclerc is willing to commit once again to devote at least 25% of French-language musical selections broadcast in each broadcast week to emerging francophone artists on CJPX-FM. Such a commitment is consistent with Leclerc’s mission to provide an additional and different opportunity to showcase emerging artists in the Montreal market.

62. Leclerc is also willing to resume discussions with l’ADISQ in order to agree on the production of a report that will demonstrate the important place devoted to emerging artists on its station.  (emphasis in bold)

The Commission notes that Leclerc’s and ADISQ’s letter dated 10 February 2020 informs it on the conclusion of an agreement between both parties regarding the production of an annual report on CJPX-FM’s programming, subject to approval of the above-mentioned application. Leclerc and ADISQ also attached a draft report to the letter for ease of reference.

The Commission therefore informs both parties that a copy of this letter and all related correspondence pertaining to this letter will be added to the record for this proceeding.


Original signed by

Claude Doucet
Secretary General


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