ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission letter addressed to Distribution List

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Ottawa, 3 December 2019

Our reference: 1011-NOC2019-0057



RE: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2019-57, Review of mobile wireless services – extension to filing dates

Dear Madams, Sirs:

In a letter dated 15 November 2019, Commission staff issued a series of requests for information (RFIs) to certain parties, and also asked for clarification and follow up responses to previous RFIs. Parties were given until 6 December 2019 to respond.

The Commission is receipt of letters from Bell Mobility and TELUS Communications Company requesting a one week extension to the filing date, citing, inter alia, a heavy workload for their staff at this time of year.

Under the circumstances, a one week extension is reasonable and would not result in undue delay or prejudice. All parties subject to the 15 November 2019 staff letter therefore have until 13 December 2019 to file their responses.


Original signed by

Philippe Kent
Director, Policy
Telecommunications Sector

Distribution List: All parties to 2019-57

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