ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Zeno Media

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Ottawa, 30 July 2019

Our references: 8663-J64-201806019 and 8663-T66-201805722


Baruch Herzfeld
Zeno Media
421, 7th Avenue
New York, NY  10001, United States

RE:  Iris Technologies Inc. and TELUS Communications Inc. – Applications for relief regarding the termination of traffic to certain 867 numbering plan area telephone numbers

Dear Mr Herzfeld,

On 11 June 2019, Commission staff sent you a letter by email requesting ZenoRadio to file with the Commission its responses to a request for information by 26 June 2019. The letter in question is attached for your reference.

As of today, 30 July 2019, the Commission has not received ZenoRadio’s responses.

You are requested to file your responses to the 11 June 2019 Commission staff letter by no later than 2 August 2019.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by email to Mr Martin Brazeau of my team at

Any document filed with the Commission must be served on all parties. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be received, not merely sent, by that date.

A copy of this letter and all related correspondence will be publicly accessible through the Commission’s website. Persons that wish to designate information contained in their submissions as confidential must do so in accordance with the Telecommunications ActFootnote1 and with the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure.Footnote2 This requires that:


Original signed by Guillaume Castonguay for

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Howard Slawner, Rogers Communications Canada Inc.,
Jean-Francois Dumoulin, Iris Technologies Inc.,
Jill Schatz, Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.,
John Lawford, Public Interest Advocacy Centre,
Marc Lange,
Stephen Schmidt, TELUS Communications Inc.,
Martin Brazeau, CRTC,

Attach. (1)

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