ARCHIVED - Telecom Commisssion Letter addressed to Christine Bergeron (Sogetel inc.)

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Ottawa, 25 July 2019

Our reference: 8663-L2-201811224


Christine Bergeron,
Legal and Regulatory Counsel
Sogetel inc.
Authorized representative of 9315-1884 Québec inc.
111 12-Novembre Street
Nicolet, Quebec J3T 1S3

Subject:  Request for information regarding the implementation plan for local competition for the Courcelles and Lambton exchanges filed by 9315-1884 Québec inc. – Extension request

Dear Ms. Bergeron:

On 19 July 2019, with respect to the file regarding the implementation plan for local competition for the Courcelles and Lambton exchanges, Commission staff requested information from 9315-1884 Québec inc. (9315-1884 Québec).  9315-1884 Québec was requested to provide a response to the request for information no later than 2 August 2019.

On 22 July 2019, Commission staff received a letter from 9315-1884 Québec in which the company requested that the date to respond to the request for information be extended to 23 August 2019. In support, it indicated that Mr. Richard Biron, the person responsible for the file, would be absent for a few weeks and the limited nature of the resources of 9315-1884 Québec prevented it from responding within the given timeframe. 9315-1884 Québec requested that a three-week extension be granted in order for it to be able to provide its responses.   

In the circumstances, 9315-1884 Québec’s request for extension is approved. Accordingly, the Commission grants 9315-1884 Québec until 23 August 2019 to provide its complete responses to the request for information sent by Commission staff on 19 July 2019.

Parties have until 27 August 2019 to file comments regarding 9315-1884 Québec's response to the Commission, copying 9315-1884 Québec.

9315-1884 Québec will have until 30 August 2019 to file with the Commission its response to any comments, by sending copies to the parties to whom it replies.


Original signed by

Philippe Kent
Director, Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c. Stephen Schmidt, Telus,
John Mackenzie, Telus,
Danny Moreau, CRTC,
Sylvie Beaudoin, CRTC,
Marc Pilon, CRTC,

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