ARCHIVED - Telecom Commisssion Letter addressed to Richard Biron (Sogetel inc.)

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Ottawa, 19 July 2019

Our reference: 8663-L2-201811224


Mr. Richard Biron
Vice-President, Business Development
Sogetel inc.
111 12-Novembre St.
Nicolet, QC J3T 1S3

RE:  Implementation plan for local competition for the Courcelles and Lambton exchanges filed by 9315-1884 Québec inc.

Dear Mr. Biron:

The Commission received an application by 9315-1884 Québec Inc. (9315-1884 Québec) for approval of its implementation plan for local competition, including local number portability, in the Courcelles and Lambton exchanges, in Quebec. The company filed the application under Telecom Decision 2006-14Footnote1 and in response to a signed official expression of interest from Telus Communications Inc., which wishes to provide local services as a competitive local exchange carrier in these exchanges.

In order to complete the analysis of the application, Commission staff request that
9315-1884 Québec provide a response to the following question by 2 August 2019.

Parties have until 6 August 2019 to file comments regarding 9315-1884 Québec's response to the Commission, copying 9315-1884 Québec.

9315-1884 Québec will have until 9 August 2019 to file with the Commission its response to any comments, by sending copies to the parties to whom it replies.


  1. Regarding the start-up costs proposed by 9315-1884 Québec in its implementation plan under the Other Capital category (IP Access):
    1. Provide a detailed breakdown of capital expenditures by major component, including equipment, installation and other costs, as well as the methodology and supporting rationale
    2. Explain and justify the need for these capital expenditures.
    3. Indicate whether the equipment in question will be used to serve current 9315-1884 Québec customers in the Courcelles and Lambton exchanges.
    4. Indicate whether the 9315-1884 Québec capital plan provides for the installation or replacement of this equipment in the coming years. If so, please indicate the date.


Original signed by

Philippe Kent
Director, Policy
Telecommunications Sector

C.c. Stephen Schmidt, Telus,
John Mackenzie, Telus,
Danny Moreau, CRTC,
Sylvie Beaudoin, CRTC,
Marc Pilon, CRTC,

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