ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Philippe Gauvin (Bell Canada)

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Ottawa, 14 June 2019

Our reference: 8640-B2-201900903


Mr. Philippe Gauvin
Assistant General Counsel
Bell Canada
160 Elgin Street, 19th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2C4

RE: Forbearance for agreements related to international telecommunications services

Dear Sir:

The Commission received an application, dated 6 February 2019, from Bell Canada on behalf of DMTS, KMTS, Maskatel, NorthernTel, Northwestel, Ontera and Télébec (collectively, the Bell Affiliates). Bell Canada requested that the Commission make a determination to forbear from regulating agreements or arrangements the Bell Affiliates enter into with foreign telecommunications common carriers in the same manner the Commission has already done for Bell Canada and other major incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs).

Paragraph 28(1) (a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information or documents where needed.

Bell Canada is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached questions by 19 June 2019.


Original signed by
Philippe Kent
Director, Policy
Telecommunications Sector

c.c:  Nilesh Joshi, CRTC, 819-962-4243,
Jonathon Holmes, Independent Telecommunications Providers Association,
Robert Olenick, Tbaytel,  

Attach. (1)

Request for information

  1. Provide a list of all agreements or arrangements that each of the Bell Affiliates have entered into since 22 December 1999 Footnote1 with
    1. Foreign telecommunications common carriers, and
    2. Canadian carriers, where the agreements or arrangements provide exclusively for the carriage of traffic into or out of Canada by one of the parties to the agreement.
  2. For each of the agreements or arrangements identified above (if any), provide the names of the subject parties, the date it was signed, the proposed effective date, and the date on which it was filed with the Commission for approval or the associated CRTC order number.
  3. If the Bell Affiliates have entered into agreements or arrangements that have not been filed with the Commission for approval,
    1. Indicate whether these agreements or arrangements are currently in force, and
    2. Provide a sample of each type of agreement or arrangement identified, depending upon its purpose and form.
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