ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to David Elder (PCCW Global Inc.)

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Ottawa, 25 March 2019


David Elder
Stikeman Elliott LLP- Barristers & Solicitors
PCCW Global Inc.
1600- 50 O’Connor Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 6L2

Re: Basic international telecommunications services (BITS) licence revocation - PCCW Global Inc.

Dear Mr. Elder,

Pursuant to your inquiry related to the Commission Telecom Decision 2019-59 to revoke the BITS licence of PCCW Global Inc., it has come to our attention that the Commission did not send PCCW Global Inc. a registered letter informing it that its licence would be revoked should it not file information with the Commission, as per the procedure described in paragraph 13 of Telecom Circular CRTC 2003-1.

Accordingly, the Decision to revoke the basic international telecommunications services licence of PCCW Global Inc. is not in effect.

The Commission is sending you via registered mail the revocation notice, requesting that you file the information that was due March 2018. Please note that the BITS license will be revoked if the requested information is not filed within the timeline specified in the notice. We encourage you to also file the 2019 information due this month.


Claude Doucet
Secretary General

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