ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter addressed to Jasvir Sandhu (Radio Humsafar Inc.)

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Ottawa, 28 August 2019

Jasvir Sandhu, President
Radio Humsafar Inc.
7655 rue Cordner
Lasalle, QC
H8N 2X2

By Email:

Re: Request for expedited treatment of Part 1 applications 2019-0706-5 and 2019-0742-9

Dear Mr. Sandhu,

We received your applications for a technical amendment for the unlaunched ethnic commercial radio programming undertaking CIRF Brampton, Ontario (application 2019-0706-5), and a request for an extension to the 21 October 2019 deadline by which CIRF Brampton must be operational (application 2019-0742-9), in which the applicant has requested that the Commission process both applications on an expedited basis.

Therefore, the timetable for the Part 1 process for both of the above-noted applications will be modified as follows:

Should you need further information concerning your applications, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at (819) 639-3173 or by fax at 819-994-0218.

Yours sincerely,

Angie Blakeney
CRTC Radio Analyst
Broadcasting - Radio

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