Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2019-90-1

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Reference: 2019-90

Ottawa, 30 June 2021

Public record: 1011-NOC2019-0090

Call for comments on a new, annual digital media survey – Additional information to be added to the public record

Deadline for submission of interventions/comments/answers: 30 July 2021

Deadline for submission of replies: 9 August 2021

[Submit an intervention/comment/answer or view related documents]

  1. Upon reviewing the record of the proceeding that originated with the publication of Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2019-90, the Commission noted that multiple interveners expressed concerns. Specifically, given that the proposed digital media survey would capture only the broadcasting activities of digital media broadcasting undertakings operated by licensees of Canadian broadcasting undertakings, these interveners submitted that the survey would not capture the full scope of such activities in the Canadian broadcasting system. In their opinion, the collection of this data would not allow the Commission to achieve the objectives that are stated in paragraph 6 of the above-mentioned notice.
  2. The Commission is of the preliminary view that the collection of data, as originally proposed in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2019-90, may not allow it to achieve its stated objectives. Consequently, the Commission considers that it is necessary to expand the scope of its review and seek comment on proposed modifications to the survey and to its administration.
  3. In addition, the Commission notes that multiple interveners in the above-mentioned proceeding expressed concerns relating to the commercially sensitive nature of some of the data that the proposed survey form would collect. As stated in paragraph 7 of Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2019-90, the Commission recognizes that certain broadcasters may be reticent or unwilling to share this commercially sensitive information with the Commission, particularly if the data is published, even in aggregate form. As such, the Commission requested comments on the appropriate level of confidentiality to be granted as well as on the appropriate balance between the public interest benefits and associated potential harm of disclosure. The Commission, in expanding its review, will carefully consider any submissions expressing views on these matters.
  4. In light of the above, the Commission announces the reopening of the record of this proceeding. Further, the Commission calls for comments on the revised survey form set out in the appendix to this notice of consultation (which replaces the survey form appended to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2019-90) as well as on its administration, on an annual basis beginning in fall 2021, to digital media broadcasting undertakings that provide services in Canada, including non-Canadian undertakings operating under the Exemption order for digital media broadcasting undertakings set out in the appendix to Broadcasting Order 2012-409.
  5. Specifically, the Commission seeks additional comments on the following matters, which, when the Commission previously requested comments in Broadcasting Notice of Consultation 2019-90, were included among the matters mentioned in paragraphs 8 and 9 of that notice (changes are in bold):
    • whether any of the items in the survey form should be modified or deleted, or whether any new items should be added, so as to ensure that the Commission receives an accurate picture of the broadcasting activities of digital media broadcasting undertakings, both Canadian and non-Canadian, that provide services in Canada, while minimizing the administrative burden that completing the proposed survey would place on them; and
    • the appropriate level of confidentiality that should be granted to any information provided on the survey form, as well as on the appropriate balance between the public interest benefits of disclosing the information when compared to the associated potential harm.
  6. Further, the Commission seeks comments on the following new matters:
    • whether, in addition to the proposed annual survey, higher level data, such as top-line revenue and subscriber figures, should be collected on a quarterly basis, as is the Commission’s current practice in regard to the largest broadcasting distribution undertakings, in order to better capture ongoing changes in a rapidly evolving market; and
    • whether participation in the survey should be required based on a threshold approach that would exempt digital media broadcasting undertakings that provide services in Canada but do not significantly engage in broadcasting activities, and, if so, whether these thresholds should be based on an undertaking’s subscriber figures, its revenue figures, or a combination of these figures, whether other metrics should be considered in addition to or instead of revenue or subscriber figures, and what threshold values would be appropriate for this purpose.
  7. The Commission will continue to take into account the information and interventions already on the record of this proceeding, and interveners will continue to be considered as parties in the context of the resumption of this proceeding. The deadline for the receipt of interventions is 30 July 2021. Only interveners already considered as parties in the context of the resumption of this proceeding or new parties that file interventions prior to the aforementioned deadline may file a reply to matters raised during the intervention phase. The deadline to file replies is 9 August 2021.
  8. The Commission reminds parties that additional information relating to this proceeding may continue to be added to the public record. Interested parties are invited to check the public file on a regular basis.

Related documents

Appendix to Broadcasting Notice of Consultation CRTC 2019-90-1

Proposed Digital Media Survey Form

(Undertaking Name)

Filed under the authority of the Broadcasting Act

Protected B when completed

Undertaking Type:

Revenues – Part A

Subscription revenues

Advertising revenues

Transactional revenues

Other revenues (specify type below)*

Total Revenues

Expenses – Part B
Programming expenses

Expenses for producing programming

Expenses for repurposing programming

Expenses for acquiring programming (includes licensing/royalty fees)

Other programming expenses (specify type below)

Total programming expenses

Non-programming expenses

Technical expenses

Sales and promotion expenses

Administration and general expenses

Other non-programming expenses (specify type below)

Total non-programming expenses

Total Expenses

Canadian Programming Expenses

Expenses for producing Canadian programming

Expenses for repurposing Canadian programming

Expenses for acquiring Canadian programming (includes licensing/royalty fees)

Other Canadian programming expenses (specify type below)

Total Canadian programming expenses

Number of subscriptions (as of 31 August)

Pay subscriptions

Number of subscriptions paying full posted price

Number of subscriptions paying a discounted rate (such as bundle or new customer rates)

Total number of pay subscriptions

Free subscriptions

Total number of free subscriptions

Total number of subscriptions

*Other sources of revenue:

Please use the space provided below to supply any comments, explanations, methodological notes, or other important information about the data you have supplied on this form.

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