Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2019-79

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Ottawa, 18 March 2019

Asian Television Network International Limited
Across Canada

Application 2018-0897-4, received 17 October 2018

ATN SONY – Revocation of licence

  1. Asian Television Network International Limited (ATN) has requested the revocation of its broadcasting licence for the national, general interest third-language ethnic specialty Category B service ATN SONY (previously known as South Asian Television Canada Channel 2), originally granted in Broadcasting Decision 2012-626, in order to continue its operation as an exempt undertaking, pursuant to Broadcasting Order 2015-88.
  2. Given the licensee’s request and pursuant to section 9(1)(e) of the Broadcasting Act, the Commission revokes the broadcasting licence issued to Asian Television Network International Limited for the above-mentioned undertaking.
  3. The operator has submitted separate applications for exemption for each of the six multiplexed channels that were attached to the licence. The operator of these undertakings must, at all times, comply with the criteria set out in the appendix to Broadcasting Order 2015-88.

Non-compliance by the previously licensed service

  1. ATN was late filing program logs and annual returns for ATN SONY throughout its licence term. Consequently, it was in apparent non-compliance with sections 8(1)(d) and 9(1) of the Discretionary Services Regulations relating to the filing of program logs and annual returns.
  2. ATN did not file annual returns for the 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 broadcast years with the Commission. The Commission directs ATN to file the missing annual returns by 17 April 2019.

Secretary General

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