Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2019-369

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Ottawa, 7 November 2019

1395047 Ontario Inc.
Toronto, Ontario

Application 2019-1005-0, received 25 September 2019

Festival Portuguese Television – Revocation of licence

  1. 1395047 Ontario Inc. has requested the revocation of its broadcasting licence for the third-language, general interest, ethnic specialty Category B service Festival Portuguese Television, last renewed in Broadcasting Decision 2013-466, in order to continue its operation as an exempt undertaking, pursuant to Broadcasting Order 2015-88.
  2. Given the licensee’s request and pursuant to section 9(1)(e) of the Broadcasting Act, the Commission revokes the broadcasting licence issued to 1395047 Ontario Inc. for the above-mentioned undertaking.
  3. The operator of this undertaking must, at all times, comply with the criteria set out in the appendix to Broadcasting Order 2015-88.

Secretary General

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