Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2019-267

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Ottawa, 30 July 2019

Bell ExpressVu Inc. (the general partner) and Bell Canada (the limited partner), carrying on business as Bell ExpressVu Limited Partnership; Star Choice Television Network Incorporated; Shaw Satellite Services Inc.
Across Canada

Direct to home distribution undertakings and satellite relay distribution undertakings – Administrative renewals

  1. The Commission renews the broadcasting licences for the direct to home distribution undertakings operated by Bell ExpressVu Inc. (the general partner) and Bell Canada (the limited partner), carrying on business as Bell ExpressVu Limited Partnership (Bell ExpressVu) and Star Choice Television Network Incorporated as well as the satellite relay distribution undertakings operated by Bell ExpressVu and Shaw Satellite Services Inc. from 1 September 2019 to 30 November 2019, subject to the same terms and conditions as those in effect under the current licences.
  2. This decision does not dispose of any issues that may arise with respect to the renewal of these licences.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to each licence.

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