ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Christine J. Prudham (Xplornet Communications Inc.)

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Ottawa, 10 December 2018

Our reference: 8646-C12-201807611


Ms. Christine J. Prudham
Executive Vice President, General Counsel
Xplornet Communications Inc.
625 Cochrane Drive
Suite 1000
Markham, Ontario  L3R 9R9

RE: Request for information regarding net neutrality – Extension request

Dear Ms. Prudham,

On 26 September 2018, as part of a compliance and monitoring exercise involving specific Internet service providers (ISPs), Commission staff requested information from Xplornet Communications Inc. and all its subsidiaries (collectively, Xplornet) on their Internet traffic management and differential pricing practices. All of the ISPs included in the fact-finding letter, including Xplornet, were requested to provide comprehensive answers by no later than 30 November 2018.

On 3 December 2018, Commission staff received a letter from Xplornet in which the company requested that the date to respond to the request for information be extended to 14 December 2018. In support, it indicated that unforeseen circumstances had prevented it from responding on time and a period of two weeks would allow it to file complete responses.

In the circumstances, Xplornet’s request for extension is accepted. Accordingly, Commission staff grants Xplornet until 14 December 2018 to provide its complete answers to the request for information sent by Commission staff on 26 September 2018.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:  Carl MacQuarrie, Xplornet,  
Martin Brazeau, CRTC,

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