ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to François Philippe Lessard (Groupe Maskatel LP)

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Ottawa, 19 November 2018

Our reference:  1011-NOC2018-0214


Mr. François Philippe Lessard
Vice-President, financial department, operation of networks and information systems strategy
Groupe Maskatel LP
780 Casavant Ouest Boulevard
Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec  J2S 7S3

Re: Review of the price cap and local forbearance regimes, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2018-214Footnote1 – Requests for information

Dear Sir:

In accordance with paragraph 39 of Telecom Notice of Consultation 2018–214, the following is a request for information from the Commission.

A response to this request for information must be submitted to the Commission by December 19, 2018. The response must be received and not sent by the above date.


Original signed by

John Macri
Policy framework
Telecommunications sector
c. c. Christine Brock, CRTC, 873-353-5852,

Attach. (1)

Request for information from Groupe Maskatel LP (Maskatel)

  1. See paragraphs 22 to 28 of Bell Canada’s and other’s interventionFootnote2 where they propose increasing the rates for the regulated residential basic local service (BLS) so that it reaches the highest approved rate, $38.34. These increases would be progressive and the annual increases would not surpass the lowest of the following amounts: i) one third of the difference between the current rate and the regulated target rate, or ii) $2.50 for the large ILECs and $4 for the small ILECs. Bell Canada and others also proposed that, after a three-year transition period, the restriction of rates be as follows: i) inflation for the rates that would be at the proposed ceiling rate, or ii) $2.50 (large ESLTs) and $4 (small ILECs) for rates requiring a longer transition period, until all regulated rates are at the ceiling rate.

    Assuming the above-mentioned proposal from Bell Canada and others is adopted with the following changes:

    • The ceiling rate is set at $35 rather than $38.34;
    • The maximum eligible annual increase is $1.50 for all ILECs; and
    • The restriction of rates of $35 and higher is inflation.
    1. Indicate, with supporting rationale, Maskatel’s opinion regarding this approach.
    2. Indicate whether Maskatel believes that the ceiling rate for standalone PES’s in unregulated zones should also be able to be increased to $35.
    3. According to this approach, prepare tables similar to tables 6 and 7 from Bell Canada’s and other’s intervention, accompanied by the hypotheses and underlying calculations.