ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Mr. Michel Gilbert (DMTS, a division of Bell Canada)

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Ottawa, 23 August 2018

Our reference: 8663-D3-201801259


Mr. Michel Gilbert
Senior Specialist – Regulatory Affairs
DMTS, a division of Bell Canada
87 Ontario West, Floor 3
Montreal, Quebec   H2X 1Y8

Re: Implementation of local competition for Tbaytel in the exchange of Dryden, Ontario

Dear Mr. Gilbert,

On 5 March 2018, the Commission received an application from DMTS, a division of Bell Canada, in which the company requested Commission approval of its implementation plan for local competition, including local number portability, in the Dryden Ontario exchange (the implementation plan). The company filed the application pursuant to Telecom Decision 2006-14Footnote1 and in response to a formal signed expression of interest from Tbaytel which indicated that it wished to interconnect with DMTS to provide local services as a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) in that exchange.

In order to complete Commission staff’s analysis of the application, DMTS is requested to provide an answer to the following question by 30 August 2018.

Interested parties have until 6 September 2018 to file interventions regarding DMTS’ response with the Commission, copying DMTS.

DMTS will have until 13 September 2018 to file with the Commission its reply to any interventions, copying the interveners to whom DMTS is replying.


In Telecom Regulatory Policy 2018-213Footnote2 published on 26 June 2018, the Commission noted that DMTS, formerly a small ILEC, became a division of Bell Canada and is no longer a separate legal entity. The Commission also noted that it applies its regulations to companies and not divisions of companies.

Considering the above, explain why the implementation of local competition for Tbaytel in the Dryden exchange should follow the framework established for small ILECs in Telecom Decision 2006-14.


Original signed by Valerie Plaskacz for

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Stephen Scofich, Tbaytel,
Martin Brazeau, CRTC,

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