ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Mr. Philippe Gauvin (Bell Canada)

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Ottawa, 23 April 2018

Our reference: 8740-B2-201802132


Mr. Philippe Gauvin
Senior Legal Counsel
Bell Canada
Floor 19
160 Elgin Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2C4

Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7558 and request for information

Dear Sir:

On 9 April 2018, the Commission received an application by Bell Canada under Tariff Notice 7558, in which it proposed revisions to its General Tariff Item 2185 – Single Number Reach, in order to, among other things, withdraw certain optional service features.

In its application, Bell Canada provided a copy of the notice letters it sent to affected customers, pursuant to Information Bulletin 2010-455-1 and indicated that the tariff filing is a Group B filing.

Commission staff considers that the application is a destandardization/withdrawal application as it proposes to withdraw service features from existing customers. For purposes of efficiency, the Commission will process this application as a destandardization/withdrawal application rather than close the file and require the company to refile it as a new application.

Accordingly, the application will not receive interim approval on the 15th calendar day after it was received. The Commission intends to dispose of this application within 90 calendar days of the date of the application.

In addition, Paragraph 28(1)(a) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure provides that the Commission may request parties to file information or documents where needed.

Bell Canada is requested to provide comprehensive answers, including rationale and any supporting information, to the attached questions by 30 April 2018.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c: Joseph Cabrera, CRTC, (819) 934-6352,

Attach. (1)

Request for information – Bell Canada Tariff Notice 7558

  1. In its application, Bell Canada provided a copy of the notice letters it sent to affected customers. As required in Information Bulletin 2010-455-1 for applications for the destandardization and/or withdrawal of tariffed services, Bell Canada is requested to provide the number of customers affected by its application.

  2. In paragraph 7 of its filing letter, Bell Canada indicated that it was filing tariff pages containing existing and proposed new rate ranges for certain rate elements of Single Number Reach. However, in Paragraph 10 of the Report on the Economic Evaluation for the tariff revision of Single Number Reach, the company indicates that it is not proposing any changes to the rate ranges that are currently in effect. As well, the application does not include any tariff pages proposing price changes for Single Number Reach.
    1. Confirm whether the company proposes any rate changes and, if yes, provide the affected tariff pages.
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