ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Mr. Sylvain Bellerive, CPA, CA (Sogetel Inc.)
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Ottawa, 29 January 2018
Our reference: 8620-S4-201711622
Mr. Sylvain Bellerive, CPA, CA
Vice-President, Financial Services
Sogetel Inc.
111 Du 12-Novembre Street
Nicolet, Quebec J3T 1S3
Re: Sogetel Mobilité Inc.’s intention to enter Sogetel Inc.’s operating territory to implement WNP in the exchanges of Kingsey Falls, Saint-Albert, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Saint-Cyprien, Saint-Liboire, Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, Saint-Ludger and Saint-Odilon-de-Cranbourne in Quebec
Dear Sir:
he Commission has received the response from Sogetel Inc. (Sogetel), dated December 22, 2017, further to the expression of interest by Sogetel Mobilité Inc. (Sogetel Mobilité) to implement wireless number portability (WNP) in the exchanges of Kingsey Falls, Saint-Albert, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Saint-Cyprien, Saint-Liboire, Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, Saint-Ludger and Saint-Odilon-de-Cranbourne in Quebec, served by Sogetel, and which are part of the Lac-Etchemin local interconnection region (LIR).
In its letter, Sogetel indicated that WNP is already available in the Lac-Etchemin LIR and that no investment is required to implement WNP in this LIR, which is why Sogetel will not be filing an implementation plan with the Commission.
Sogetel is proposing a 60-day timeline for implementing WNP in the exchanges of Kingsey Falls, Saint-Albert, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Saint-Cyprien, Saint-Liboire, Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, Saint-Ludger and Saint-Odilon-de-Cranbourne. Staff members consider that the proposed timeline is reasonable and ask Sogetel to notify the Commission that implementation will be completed and that Sogetel Mobilité will be able to begin offering its services in the exchanges of Kingsey Falls, Saint-Albert, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Saint-Cyprien, Saint-Liboire, Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague, Saint-Ludger and Saint-Odilon-de-Cranbourne.
Original signed by
Chris Seidl
Executive Director
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.: Jean-Philippe Saia,
Imen Arfaoui, CRTC,
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