ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Procedural Letter Addressed to Kevin Goldstein (Bell)

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Ottawa, 2 February 2018

Our reference: 1011-NOC2017-0359


Kevin Goldstein
Vice-President, Regulatory Affairs, Content and Distribution

Re: Request for information from audio and video online programming services available in Canada

Mr. Goldstein:

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is requesting your assistance to better understand the online audio and video programming distribution market in Canada. As you may know, the Canadian Governor in Council has asked the Commission to examine and report on the future of audio and video program distribution in Canada and how it will ensure a vibrant domestic market (see P.C. 2017-1195 and Notice of Consultation 2017-359). 

In this regard, we are asking online audio and video programming services available in Canada, both those based in Canada and abroad, to participate in the preparation of the report by providing certain top-line information on their services (see attached form). This information will help the Commission better understand the size and scope of the online audio and video market in Canada and its contribution to Canada and Canadians.

We anticipate that you may have concerns arising from the commercially sensitive nature of the information we are requesting. Furthermore, you may require some clarity concerning the procedure for designating the information you file as confidential and the potential for its disclosure. The Commission is varying its Rules of Procedure with respect to confidentiality and is making the determinations that follow.

Given the type of information being requested and the distinct nature of this proceeding, the Commission is designating this information as confidential as it is sensitive financial or commercial information that is consistently treated in a confidential manner by the person who submitted it. Accordingly, the Commission will not disclose or require the disclosure of the information you submit and you will not be required to prepare or file an abridged version for the record. This decision of the Commission is final and conclusive.

We ask that you complete and return the brief attached form to by March 2, 2018.  Thank you for your participation. Please contact Sheehan Carter ( should you have any questions.

Yours sincerely,

Claude Doucet
Secretary General

Digital Media Broadcasting Activities in Canada

Filed in Confidence with the Secretary General (

Service Name (or category of services*):

Revenues Broadcast Year 2015-2016 Broadcast Year 2016-2017
1. Subscription XXXXXX XXXXXX
2. Advertising XXXXXX XXXXXX
4. Total Revenues XXXXXX XXXXXX
Subscription Broadcast Year 2015-2016 Broadcast Year 2016-2017

5. Total expenditures directed to Canadians for acquired or original content

(This line would include expenditures for productions acquired from Canadian producers, expenditures in Canada for content production, and royalties paid to Canadian record labels, music publishers, creators and artists)

Number of Subscriptions (as of 31 August) Broadcast Year 2015-2016 Broadcast Year 2016-2017
6. Pay subscriptions (includes subscriptions paying full posted price and discounted rates) XXXXXX XXXXXX
7. Free subscriptions XXXXXX XXXXXX
8. Total Subscriptions XXXXXX XXXXXX
Viewing - Listening Broadcast Year 2015-2016 Broadcast Year 2016-2017
9. Total viewing/listening hours by Canadians XXXXXX XXXXXX
10. Total viewing/listening hours to productions captured above on line 5 XXXXXX XXXXXX

Notes :

This data should strictly reflect activities within Canada.

Advertising, in a video player or online audio environment, should include banner ads and companion ads, pre-, mid- and post-roll ads, as well as in-stream advertising content.

Broadcast year is defined as the period beginning on 1 September of a given year and ending on 31 August of the following year.

*If reporting for a category of services, please provide the list of services included.

Please use the space provided below to supply any comments, explanations, methodological notes, qualifiers or other important information about the data you have supplied on this form.

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