Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2018-374

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Reference: Part 1 application posted on 29 June 2018

Ottawa, 26 September 2018

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Toronto and Belleville, Ontario

Public record for this application: 2018-0479-0

CJBC-FM Toronto and its transmitter CJBC-1-FM Belleville –Technical changes

  1. The Commission approves the application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to change the authorized contours of CJBC-1-FM Belleville, Ontario, a rebroadcasting transmitter of the French-language radio programming undertaking CJBC-FM Toronto (ICI Radio-Canada Première), by decreasing the average effective radiated power (ERP) from 18,200 to 16,443 watts, increasing the maximum ERP from 34,950 to 50,000 watts, increasing the effective height of the antenna above average terrain from 105.2 to 117.3 metres and updating the geographic coordinates of the transmitter. The Commission did not receive any interventions regarding this application.
  2. The licensee proposed to install a new antenna and transmitter on the existing tower to replace the time-worn antenna and transmitter in order to improve service to Belleville residents. It stated that the new antenna would be co-located with CBO-FM-1 Belleville (Radio One) to optimize operating costs.
  3. Pursuant to section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, this authority will only be effective when the Department of Industry notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.
  4. The transmitter must be in operation by 26 September 2020. To request an extension, the licensee must submit a written request to the Commission at least 60 days before that date, using the form available on the Commission’s website.

Secretary General

This decision is to be appended to the licence.

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