Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision CRTC 2018-32-1
Ottawa, 24 October 2018
Measures to reduce caller identification spoofing and to determine the origins of nuisance calls
New deadline for CISC’s report on call traceback: 14 December 2018
- In Measures to reduce caller identification spoofing and to determine the origins of nuisance calls, Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision CRTC 2018-32, 25 January 2018 (Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision 2018-32), the Commission, among other things, requested that the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) develop an industry-wide call traceback process and file a report regarding such a process with the Commission for review and approval. The report should include the following:
- a list of the specific and detailed information required by all parties to complete a call traceback, and that must be shared to trace the origin of a call;
- a description of the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in call traceback;
- a description of the steps that have been taken, will be taken, or could be taken to automate the call traceback process to the largest extent possible; and
- service standards regarding the timeliness for sharing information between parties, and guidelines for the retention of call detail records.
- The Commission requested that CISC submit its report to the Commission within nine months of the date of the issuance of Compliance and Enforcement and Telecom Decision 2018-32.
- On 12 October 2018, CISC requested that the Commission grant an extension to the deadline for submitting its report on call traceback. CISC submitted that more contributions are forthcoming that will need to be reviewed and incorporated into the current draft report. As such, CISC will be unable to submit the report to the Commission for the original due date of 25 October 2018. CISC has requested a new deadline date of 14 December 2018.
- In the circumstances, the Commission approves the request for an extension to 14 December 2018 of the deadline for CISC to submit its report on call traceback to the Commission.
Secretary General
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