ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter addressed to Mr. Michel Gilbert (Câblevision du Nord de Québec)

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Ottawa, 24 November 2017

Our reference: 8740-C133-201709354


Mr. Michel Gilbert
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs Services
Câblevision du Nord de Québec
87 Ontario Street West, 3rd floor St-Urbain
Montréal, Québec  H2X 1Y8

RE: Tariff Notice 7 - Third-party Internet Access Services

Dear Sir:

On September 29, 2017, the Commission received an application from Câblevision du Nord de Québec (CVQ) under Tariff Notice (TN) 7 in which the company proposed to introduce a new 150 Mbps download Third Party Internet Access Service.

On November 10, 2017, CVQ filed a letter requesting to withdraw the above-mentioned application from consideration by the Commission and not proceed with any changes that would result from it.

In light of the above, CVQ’s request to withdraw its application with regard to TN 7 is acceptable. Accordingly, this file is now closed.


Original signed by

Lyne Renaud
Director, Competitor Services and Costing Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

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