ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to the Distribution List

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Ottawa, 6 June 2017

Our reference: 1011-NOC2017-0066


Distribution list

RE: Interrogatories with respect to Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2017-66, Clause 13(b) of the Municipal Access Agreement between the City of Hamilton and Bell Canada regarding the vertical location of underground facilities (TNC 2017-66)

Dear Madam, Sir,

On 10 February 2016, the Commission issued Decision 2016-51Footnote 1 setting out the terms and conditions of a municipal access agreement (the MAA) between the City of Hamilton (the City) and Bell Canada.

Following a Commission staff letter dated 21 July 2016 regarding the application of clause 13(b) of the MAA, Bell Canada and the City continued to have divergent views on the requirements of this clause and the City requested that the Commission rule on the legal effect of clause 13(b). As a result, the Commission issued TNC 2017-66.

Commission staff considers that additional information is required in regards to TNC 2017-66.  Parties are therefore required to provide comprehensive answers, including any supporting information, to the attached interrogatories.

Pursuant to subsection 37(2) of the Telecommunications Act, the Commission may require a person other than a Canadian carrier that is in possession of information that the Commission considers necessary for the administration of the Act, to submit the information to the Commission.

As set out in Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin 2010-961, 23 December 2010, parties may designate certain information as confidential. Parties must provide an abridged version of the document involved, accompanied by a note explaining how the information removed is confidential.

Responses to the interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission, and served on all other parties, by 26 June 2017.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications sector

Attach. (2)

Distribution List
Philippe Gauvin, Bell Canada,
David Marshall, Duxbury Law,
Paul Cowling, Shaw Communications Inc.,
Tim Brown, Cogeco Connexions Inc.,
Dennis Béland, Quebecor Media Inc.,
Michael E Piaskoski, Rogers Communications Canada Inc.,
Bruna Nardi, TELUS Communications Company,
Adrian Macdonald, Zayo Canada,
Jonathan Holmes, Independent Telecommunications Providers Association,
Matt Lonsdale, City of Calgary,


Interrogatories to be answered by the City of Hamilton and the City of Calgary

  1. In your current or past municipal access agreements with telecom carriers and utilities, are vertical coordinates required to be provided for underground facilities? If yes;
    1. Provide the names of those companies that must provide such information.
    2. Who pays for these vertical locates of underground facilities when requested?
    3. Are the vertical coordinates of underground facilities provided as Meters Above Sea Level? If not, specify the format used.
    4. What degree of accuracy do you require for vertical coordinates of underground facilities?
    5. Are vertical coordinates of underground facilities required to be provided only upon installation or on some other basis?
      1. If on some other basis, describe the various scenarios whereby such coordinates are provided.
  2. Does the city keep vertical coordinates of underground facilities for its own municipal facilities in ROWs?  If yes;
    1. Are these vertical coordinates of underground facilities obtained only upon installation or on some other basis?
      1. If on some other basis, describe the various scenarios whereby such coordinates are obtained.
    2. What is the average cost of obtaining vertical coordinates for municipal underground facilities that are already in place?
    3. What is the average cost to obtain vertical coordinates for municipal underground facilities as they are being put in place?
    4. Are the vertical coordinates of underground facilities provided as Meters Above Sea Level? If not, specify the format used.
    5. What is the degree of accuracy for these vertical coordinates of underground facilities?


Interrogatories to be answered by Bell Canada, the Independent Telecommunications Providers Association and the CarriersFootnote 2

  1. Are you required to provide vertical coordinates of underground facilities as part of any other past or current MAA you are a party to? If yes;
    1. Name the municipalities that are parties to these MAAs.
    2. Are the vertical coordinates to be provided as Meters Above Sea Level?
    3. What is the degree of accuracy required for these vertical coordinates of underground facilities?
    4. Are vertical coordinates of underground facilities required to be provided only upon installation or on some other basis?
      1. If on some other basis, describe the various scenarios whereby such coordinates are required to be provided.
  2. Since 2013, how many times were you requested to provide vertical coordinates of your underground facilities to municipalities?
    1. Name the municipalities that requested such information.
    2. Who paid for vertical coordinates of your underground facilities?
    3. Were vertical coordinates for the underground facilities provided as Meters Above Sea Level? If not, specify the format used.
    4. What was the degree of accuracy for these vertical coordinates of underground facilities?
    5. Were vertical coordinates of underground facilities required to be provided only upon installation or on some other basis?
      1. If on some other basis, describe the various scenarios whereby such coordinates are provided.
  3. What would be the average incremental cost of providing vertical coordinates of underground facilities when laying new facilities in ROWs ($ and %)?
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