ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Distribution List

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Ottawa, 28 April 2017

Our reference:  1011-NOC2017-0033


Distribution List

Subject:  Telecom Notice of Consultation (TNC) CRTC 2017-33, Review of the regulatory framework for text-based message relay services (MRS Review) – Suspension of deadlines

Dear Sir/Madam:

In a letter dated 10 March 2017, the Canadian Association of the Deaf and the Deaf Wireless Canada Committee (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “the groups”) requested Commission permission to conduct a national survey in order to respond to the questions set out in the above-noted review.

The groups also provided the following timelines with respect to conducting the survey and intervening in the review:

On 17 March 2017, Commission staff replied to the groups’ letter of 10 March 2017, neither approving nor denying the request to conduct a survey, rather advising the groups that:

In a subsequent letter dated 18 April 2017, the groups requested that the Commission allow the groups to submit the survey report on 23 June 2017 as they have experienced delays in initiating their survey. The groups further proposed that the final intervention submission date remain 2 June 2017 as set out in the Notice.  

In light of this request, Commission staff advises all parties that the following two deadlines associated with the above-noted review are temporarily suspended for all parties to this proceeding:

  1. The 3 May 2017 deadline for parties to comment on the interventions and responses to requests for information filed by other parties with the Commission; and
  2. The 2 June 2017 deadline for all parties to file final submissions with the Commission on any matter within the scope of this proceeding.

The suspension will allow the Commission to consider the groups’ procedural request and to determine whether any additional process is required.   

The Commission will provide further procedural direction and new deadlines in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Nanao Kachi
Director, Social and Consumer Policy
Consumer Affairs and Strategic Policy

c.c.: Distribution List

Distribution List

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