ARCHIVED - Telecom Procedural Letter Addressed to Distribution List

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Ottawa, 4 April 2017

Our references:  8740-B38-201507849

Distribution list

Re:  Rogers Communications Canada Inc. – Telecom Decision 2017-56 – Request for Schedule Change

Dear Madam, Sir:

In Wholesale mobile wireless roaming service tariffs – Final terms and conditions, Telecom Decision 2017-56, 1 March 2017, the Commission directed Bell Mobility Inc. (Bell Mobility), Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (RCCI), and TELUS Communications Company (TCC) [collectively, the incumbents] to file, by 31 March 2017, revised proposed tariff pages for wholesale roaming that reflect the Commission’s determinations in that decision.

In a letter dated 28 March 2017, RCCI requested that the Commission grant a two-week extension to the March 31, 2017 filing date, with a new filing deadline of 14 April 2017. RCCI submitted that the Commission had directed it to make an unexpectedly large number of changes to the terms and conditions of its domestic roaming tariff and that an extension would help ensure that its changes are fully in line with the Commission’s determinations in Telecom Decision 2017-56. RCCI suggested that given that the domestic roaming tariff’s rates remain the subject of an active proceeding, providing a brief extension should not inconvenience any party.

In a Commission staff letter dated 31 March 2017, all deadlines associated with the submission of the revised proposed tariff pages for RCCI, as well as for Bell Mobility and TCC were temporarily suspended, to allow the Commission to consider RCCI’s procedural request.

No parties commented on the request for an extension.

The Commission considers that, given the complexity of the changes involved, a short extension would be appropriate in this case.

In light of the above, the revised deadlines are as follows:

The revised proposed pages are to be filed as new tariff notices. Documents are to be received, and not merely sent, by these dates.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Danielle May-Cuconato

Secretary General

c.c.:  William Lloyd, CRTC,, (819) 997-4654
Abderrahman El Fatihi, CRTC,, (819) 953-3662

Distribution List


Bell Mobility Inc.,

TELUS Communications Company,

Videotron G.P.,

Bragg Communications Incorporated (Eastlink),

Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (WIND),


MTS Inc.,

Saskatchewan Telecommunications,

Ice Wireless Inc.,

Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.

Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)

Corridor Communications, Inc.

Benjamin Klass,

Vaxination Informatique,

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