ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter Addressed to Samer Bishay (Iristel Inc.)
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Ottawa, 24 February 2017
Our reference: 8622-R28-201611781
Mr. Samer Bishay
President & CEO, Iristel Inc.
675 Cochrane Drive, 6th Floor, East Tower
Markham, Ontario L3R 0B8
Re: Application by Rogers Communications Canada Inc. alleging that Iris Technologies Inc. and Iristel are engaging in traffic stimulation
Dear Sir,
On 16 November 2016, Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (RCCI) filed an application with the Commission alleging that Iris Technologies Inc. and Iristel (collectively, Iristel) were engaged in traffic stimulation.
Further process
Commission staff considers that additional information is required with regard to RCCI’s application.
In light of the foregoing, Iristel is to provide responses to the attached requests for information (RFIs) by 3 March 2017.
Given the nature of the information that Iristel will be providing in its RFI responses, there is no need to provide other interested parties, such as RCCI, with an opportunity to provide a reply to those responses.
As set out in Procedures for filing confidential information and requesting its disclosure in Commission proceedings, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin 2010-961, 23 December 2010, parties may designate certain information as confidential. Parties must provide an abridged version of the document involved, accompanied by rationale explaining how the information removed is confidential.
All submissions are to be made in accordance with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, SOR/2010-277.
Responses to RFIs are to be served on all parties to this application, including interveners, by the specified dates. Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date the document must be received, not merely sent. Copies of documents should be sent to
Original signed by
Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution & Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector
c.c.: RCCI,
Bell Canada and Northwestel,
Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.,
Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as Eastlink,
Freedom Mobile Inc.,
ISP Telecom,
Kepler Communications Inc.,
Québecor Media on behalf of Vidéotron,
Shaw Telecom G.P.,
TELUS Communications Inc.,
Kevin Pickell, CRTC, 819-997-4580,
Attach. (1)
Requests for information to be answered by Iris Technologies Inc. and Iristel (Iristel)
1. In paragraph 36 of Iristel’s 2 December 2016 answer, Iristel states that it has a service agreement with #-#, and that that service agreement contemplates revenue sharing.
Provide a copy of that agreement, as well as any e-mails or documentation related to that agreement that are related to the conclusion of and continued operation of the agreement.
2. Provide appropriate contact information for #-#, such that the Commission may address future requests for information (RFIs) to, and receive responses from, that entity in relation to RCCI’s application. Such contact information should include, but not be limited to, the name, title, e-mail address, and phone number of the individual in question.
3. Provide appropriate contact information for AudioNow, such that the Commission may address future RFIs to, and receive responses from, that entity in relation to RCCI’s application. Such contact information should include, but not be limited to, the name, title, e-mail address, and phone number of the individual in question.
To the extent that Iristel does not have this information, Iristel is to obtain it from #-#.
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